Vacuum Lifters
& Crane Systems
World-Class Lifting Solutions
Ergonomic, Versatile Articulating Material Handling
our services
Vacuum Lifters Material Handling
Our Vacuum Lifters Material Handling and Crane Systems allow you to lift and move loads efficiently, gently and ergonomically. At many workstations, the installation of vacuum lifters can immediately improve the working ergonomics of production personnel as they avoid heavy and laborious lifting.
Many different types of goods and packaging can be handled efficiently with vacuum lifters material handling. With the right lifting device, different materials such as bags, pails, wood, glass, stone, metal, cardboard, paper and plastic can be lifted safely and gently with a vacuum without leaving marks on the surface.
Our Product Solutions
Vacuum Lifters
Crane Systems
Our Mission
You can count on us to support you and your equipment needs for years to come.
We approach every application with innovation in mind and tailor the solution to meet the needs of the customer. A sound return on your investment is inevitable due to a noticeable increase in productivity as well as a reduction in workplace injuries. Employees are safer, making them happier and more efficient.

Contact us today or Request a Quote
Wold-Class Lifting Solutions
Main Office
8001 Tower Point Drive,
Charlotte, NC 28227
Call Us
Phone: 1 (704) 847-2464
Fax: 1 (866) 543-9532